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Friday, October 23, 2009


Historical Background of Nutrition is divided into four Eras.

I. Naturalistic Era (400 BC to 1750 AD)
     - Hippocrates known "as the father of medicine" was the first physician who ahow an interest in nutrition at that time. Characterized by many vague ideas concerning taboos, magical powers and medicinal values associated with different food.

II. Chemical-Analytical Era (1750 - 1900)
     - Lavoiser gained the name, Father of Nutrition because of his respiration and oxidation studies. It was during this period that chemical studies were conducted which led to the discoveries of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen.

III. Biological Era (1900 - 1955)
     - Casimir Funk introduced in this era. There were more discoveries of factors with vitamin like properties, which were identified as essential elements ofthe human diet and others for various aspects of animals.

IV. Cellular or Mollecular Era (1955 - Present)
     - In this era, many new techniques have made it possible to study the nutrient needs or individual cells and even of the subcellular component of organelles of cells. Study on the molecular level are done to enhance understanding of nutrition.

Basic Tools in the study of Nutrition:

Food Guide - is a qualitative tool in assessing the nutritional adequacy of a diet. It translate quantitative nutritional requirement into simple practical foods.

Dietary Standards/Guidelines - are compilation of nutrient requirements or allowances in specific quantities.

Dietary Requirements - is the minimum amount of nutrient to attain good health.

Dietary Allowance - is the minimum requirements plus safety factor or margin of safety to account for individual variation.

Food Composition Tables - are tables of chemical composition of food which undergo analysis and sampling method set up after years of meticulous work.

Food Exchange List - is a grouping of common foods that have/practically the same amount of protein, carbohydrate and fats.

Different food groups according to their classification:

I. Body Building Foods (Grow)
     - called GROW food groups. This food are rich in protein and can repair body tissues for growth, maintenance, develop resistance to infections and gives additional energy.
     - Example: Meat, Milk, Chicken, Legumes, Eggs

II. Body Regulating Foods (Glow)
     - foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. They help our body work properly by regulating processes such as digestion, excretion, respiration and circulation.
     - Example: Green leafy vegetables

III. Energy giving foods (Go)
     - food that are rich in carbohydrates and fats that are the body's main source of energy.
     - Example: Rice, Corn, Bread, Root crops