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Thursday, October 22, 2009


Definition Of Terms:

Nutrition - is defined as the sum of processed involved in eating, digesting, absorbing and using nutrients. It is the study of food in relation to maintenance, growth and energy. It is particularly concerned with identifying those nutrients and substances in foods that foster the development of a strong body, promote good health.

Food - is any substance, organic or inorganic which when ingested nourishes the body by building and repairing tissues, supplying heat; and energy, regulating body processes. It is the basic necessity of a person aside from clothing and shelter.

Nutrients - any chemical substances present in food that provides the body with energy or with the building materials required for normal metabolic functioning.

Health - the condition of being sound of the body, mind or spirit freedom from physical pain or disease.

Calorie -  is a unit measure for energy. The amount of energy contained in food and expected by humans and animals which is measured in kilo calories (thousands of calories). The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a gram of water 1 degree centigrade. Equal to 4.1850 joules (j). 1 kcal is equal to 1000 calories.

Basic Concept Of Nutrition:

1. Adequate nutrition is essential to good health.
2. The nutrients in the body are in dynamic equilibrium.
3. Dietary intake and nutrient needs should be individualized.
4. Nutrient content in food is variable.
5. Human requirements for nutrients are known for some and have to be determine as yet for others.
6. An adequate diet is the foundation of good nutrition and it should consist of wide variety of foods.
7. The psychological functions of foods are attributed to the roles of the nutrient.
8. Malnutrition is brought about by a faulty diet and or by conditioning factors like hereditary, infections, ingestion of certain drugs and parasitism.
9. Nutrition education, abundant food supply and the use of various resources are needed to improve nutritional state of a population.
10. The study of nutrition is interrelated with allied arts and sciences: food science and technology, nursing and medical fields, behavioral sciences, chemistry, biology, etc.