Global Warming is the changes in the surface air temperature or global temperature brought about by the enhanced greenhouse effect, which is induced by emissions of greenhouse gases into the air, and by fossil fuel burning and an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and from pollution.
The build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (beyond those levels required to sustain temperatures to support life on the planet) will result in catastrophic changes to the earth’s climate patterns.
Did Humans Cause Global Warming?
Both humans and nature have contributed to global warming in the 20th century.The culprit of global warming have already been identified, such as:
Airplanes: causes 3.5% of global warming and could rise to 15% by 2050 according to The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Atmosphere and Ocean: The atmosphere contains about 750 billion tons of carbon, while 1,020 billion tons are dissolved in the surface layers of the world's ocean.
Building Structures: account for about 12% of carbon dioxide emissions.
Cars: carbon dioxide emissions comes from the burning of gasoline in internal-combustion engines of cars and light trucks (minivans, sport utility vehicles, pick-up trucks, and jeeps).
City Gridlock: wasted million gallons of gas annually while just sitting in traffic that translates to millions of carbon dioxide.
Deforestation: is responsible for 20-25% of all carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, by the burning and cutting of about 34 million acres of trees each year.
Methane: which is derived from sources such as rice paddies, bovine flatulence, bacteria in bogs and fossil fuel production. When fields are flooded, anaerobic conditions develop and the organic matter in the soil decomposes, releasing CH4 to the atmosphere, primarily through the rice plants.
Nitrous Oxide (N2O): a colorless, non-flammable gas with a sweetish odor, commonly known as "laughing gas", and sometimes used as an anesthetic. Naturally produced by oceans and rain forests. It is broken down in the atmosphere by chemical reactions that involve sunlight.
Permafrost: is a solid structure of frozen soil, extending to depths of 2.200 feet in some areas of the arctic and subarctic regions, containing grasses, roots, sticks, much of it dating back to 30,000 years. when the soil was attacked by microbes it will release carbon dioxide in the process.
Power Plants: carbon dioxide emissions stem from the burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation.
Simple Ways To Prevent Global Warming.
- Avoid too much use of cars and think of an alternative. You can use train, a bicycle or take a walk going to school, work or any place just near to your place. Use the public transportation system rather than renting a car or relying on taxis. Exercise is good to our health and good to our environment.
- Change your air filter. Check your car's air filter monthly and save 800 lbs. of carbon dioxide.
- Use a push mower to mow the lawn. Use your muscles instead of fossil fuels and get some strength-building exercise and save 80 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year.
- Use compact fluorescent bulbs. Replace three frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs and save money and 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide.
- Replace old appliances and reduce reliance on them. Inefficient appliances (such as refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners) waste energy.
- Unplug unused electronics. Even when electronic devices are turned off, they use energy and save over 1,000 lbs of carbon dioxide.
- Recycle more by using recycling bins, composting, etc. Encourage neighbors, supervisors, colleagues, and businesses to do likewise (15-25% of people do not recycle).
- Use recycled paper and save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper.
- Use Refills instead of buying new jars or bottles each time. This reduces your consumption and is usually cheaper.
- Buy minimally packaged goods to reduce your garbage and significantly saving 1,200 lbs. of carbon dioxide.
- Build power efficiency buildings and houses by utilizing wind or solar energy. Thermal mass and Passive solar buildings or houses lower our energy bills. We saved more money, we saved the earth.
- Insulate anything that uses energy to stay a different temperature from its environment. Be energy wise and insulate your entire home to keep down the heating and cooling costs.
- Find Eco tourism Opportunities when planning for a travel or vacation. Be a responsible traveler to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. Let's conserve the environment to preserve its natural beauty.
- Grow fast growing plants like bamboo which produce 35% more oxygen than trees like oak or birch, and require fewer chemicals and care.
- Eat more vegetables than meat. Meat industry causes almost 40% more greenhouse gas emissions than all the world’s transportation systems, a recent United Nations report concluded. Let's make the earth green by eating more veggies than meat.
- Get Educated of what global warming is all about, how it affects each and everyone of us and the whole world in particular and get involved in making simple steps to avoid, prevent and minimize the impact of global warming to human.
Global warming is our global concern.